Someone asked if I got to do zoomies in the snow. As you can see, I sorta got to do them. Unfortunately, the tall guy was on the other end of my string and he wasn't too happy when I started pulling him down the hill. Which may explain why the video ends so quickly. And why you don't get to hear him yelling at me to stop running so he can stand up. And why you don't see how wet his pants got when he fell on his behind.
It was great, but there were too many peoples there.
The tall guy said we would go back next week
after everyone has gone home.
I hope the snow is still there when we go back.
Won't you join me in a delicious snow meal?
Ewwww, tastes like feet!
(And a special note: The dog pillow was a Christmas present to the tall guy from one of his very bestest friends. She said she got it at Stein Mart and that there were lots of other dogs to choose from, but she choosed the best looking one.)
Fortunately, the tall guy let me open one of my presents from Max before Christmas morning. He said that 2 days before Christmas should be designated as "You are driving me crazy!" Day because I kept trying to open all the presents under the tree (but only the ones with my name on them!) Max sent me a bunch of stuff but I haven't gotten to open the rest of it yet.
As you can see, I had a really good time opening my present, especially when I found that there was even cardboard along with the present!! I really like cardboard.
We did not get to go to the snow yet, because the road is still closed, but we went somewhere that I had never even known there was in existence!! We went to a place that had a bunch of FOOD TRUCKS! Did you know about food trucks? It's like a place where you can get food, but they are in a truck and they might even come to your house and give you some delicious foods if you ask them.
The tall guy got some Korean tacos, a Cuban sandwich and a pumpkin whoopie pie. I got a carrot.
He needs to keep that in mind when Christmas rolls around!
PS. Yes, that is an actual picture of the TG. He has a blurry face in real life too! :)
It has been raining for 3 days now. The tall guy says that he loves it, but then again, he doesn't have to go outside when he needs to GO. And, we can't really walk in the rain because someone doesn't like getting wet, although he gets in the shower every morning. Sometimes I just can't understand him.
On the other hand, there is a lot of snow up on the mountains. I asked the tall guy if we could go, but the said the roads were closed. Maybe we could walk up to where the snow is! The tall guy said we would go next week when they let cars go up. YEAH!!!
It's even more fun when the ball has a hole in it, because after you get tired of playing soccer, you can play 'tug-of-war' with the ball. Although I guess it would be called 'tug-the-ball-with-the-hole-in-it'. The tall guy said he got this ball at the Target and it's the only soccer ball that he found that I have not yet destroyed. Well, except for the hole, but I'm not even sure that I did that.
that this is the way they used to dance back in the olden days!
I told him that he should ask next time he wants to use my head. Although I do have some pretty swift moves there, if I do say so myself
We went on the hiking again down in the mountains, which is not to be confused with up in the mountains, as they are two different sets of mountains. Unfortunately, someone whose name shall remain TG, decided that we were on the wrong trail, so by the time he realized we weren't going on the trail he wanted to be on, we had almost worn out our hiking muscles. So, we turned around and went up the right trail, but we didn't go as far as I would have liked. But we did hike about 920 miles, according to the same guy who shall remain named TG. Actually, I measured it and it was only about 2.5 miles, but since his legs are longer than mine, maybe it just seemed like 920 miles to him.