Friday, December 21, 2012

December 22, 2012

I love to walk in the rain!

TG and I (I feel I can call him TG now, since I've known him so long) went for a walk in the rain yesterday.

We did not intend to go walk in the rain but when we got about 50 miles away from the house, it started raining.  So, instead of hurrying home, we just took our own sweet time and got wet all over.  I didn't mind because I knew what would happen when we got home.

That's right!


It's a massage and a game all in one.  And I'm still pretty wet when we get done, because for some reason I don't dry off very quickly, so I get to stink up the house AND the bed because everyone knows you have to go get in the bed when you've just gotten wet.  Well, at least everyone in OUR house knows that.

So next time you get wet, you can play the towel game too.  It's a hoot and a half!!


  1. Oh Jack you are hilarious. We run 98 mph around the house
    Benny & Lily

  2. OH yeah, I love it when she pulls out the BIG towel. Gut of course, I do the run around the house Before she can get the towel and start to dry me.

    We have to use a mop too.

    Glad you enjoyed your walk and stop by my place and check out how good I look in my Christmas Present.

    Thanks again Jack.....

  3. We love the towel game too! And yes, all wet puppers MUST get in a clean bed. That's in the Rules Book.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  4. I don'ts like the rain buts I love the towel game whens I get wet so they donts have to lever me outs the door like they used to and if I gets caught in the rain I don'ts mind as much and try to find some cover.

  5. My golden retriever also liked to play the towel game!

    But before we did that, she did nose-dive face rubs into the carpet. Then she would flip on her back and act like she was making "snow angels" on the carpet......she had quite the sense of humor, alright!

    Nothing like "Parfume de Retriever" permeating the house and bed....LOL

    Celebrate every moment, Jack - you deserve it!

    Your friend,

  6. glad you had a lovely walk in the rain.. a wet dog is a happy dog, at least at our house!

  7. Jack - A massage and a game all in one . Wow ! Maybe you could patent it in time for next Christmas ?

  8. We've been caught out in the rain sometimes when momma has neglected to put on rain gear. She usually says "Well, Dexter, we can only get so wet and hurrying won't make us any dryer." Very wise. I'm not bothered by rain and I do love the vigorous rub down that follows.


  9. Well I hate rain! Maybe I should try it now just to get a nice massage!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  10. oh LOL! my darling boy. i can smell you from here.
    and it is sweet to my nose. yes.
    bear hugs,
    tammy j

  11. Oh we love the towel game at this house!! Merry Christmas :)

  12. Hi Jack and TG, thanks for stopping at my pawty. I am not much for the towel game, but I do enjoy rolling on the bed or couch when I am wet. I am pretty sure its a law somewhere.

    Merry Christmas to both of you.

    Loveys Sasha

  13. Glad you got your massage today!

    Stay Calm & Bark On,

    Murphy & Stanley

  14. Monty prefers to dry himself on the carpet... sigh...


  15. Jack...did you and TG dance and sing in the rain too.
    Mom likes that towel
    Madi your bfff

  16. Jack...We are stopping by to say "thank you" for the Christmas card! We hope you have very happy holidays.

    Freedom, Casper, Nikki & Twinkie

  17. Jack, we gets to go swimmin' once a week and Molly has a great trick she uses when getting dried off by the nice people at the swim place. She rubs up against the legs of the guy who is toweling her off - kinda like a cat - and gets his pants all wet. You should try that next time when you are getting the towel massage.

    Your fur-riends, Molly and Bosley

  18. I hate that game! Rubbing along the sofa's much more efficient, I sure.
    Hope you has a very Merry Christmas!
    ~lickies, Ludo!

  19. Silly pup!

    Stop on by for a visit
