Wednesday, May 25, 2011

May 25, 2011

Look at what I got in the mail!

(Inside it says:
Lab results are in and you did great!)

See, all the dogs are LABS,
so it's like a play on words!

An extra-nice friend of the tall guys sent it to us
because of the book.
Wasn't that cool?
Well, she is just like that to everyone.

But wait, there's more!!
Her granddaughter, Erin, decided that they should send
me some toys.

Look at what she picked out for me:

A flying fish.
Much like the flying duck you've seen before

a red chew bone.
Actually she sent me two of them.
This one lasted almost 5 minutes!
The other one is hidden away for a special occasion.
(I'm told that special occasion means when I'm driving the tall guy crazy.
We seem to have a lot of special occasions around here!)
So, thank you very much
Erin and Lynn for all my stuff.

PS:  That wire you see behind my head in the last picture
is the cable wire that the people who owned the house
before the tall guy put in.
Why they put it on the wall, no one knows,
but now we can't take it down
because there will be a whole bunch of holes in the wall.
So, don't be putting no wires on the wall of your house.


  1. I did not let Tootie read your post today, Jack. You get presents all the time and she will find out and look at me like, "Why you don't get me presents, Mama?" Then, I'll have to go to Pet Smart and buy her something to make her stop whining....oh well, you get the picture. Anyways, congrats on being such a smart dog and all. I like your book and your presents! (And such a clever card, too!)

  2. Great pressies, I've never seen a red chew bone before...strawberry flavored?

    Don't you wish you could just photoshop out the things you don't like about your house. A little dirt, no problem...broken shutter, all gone.. what wire on the house?


  3. We agree no problem photo shopping out the bad stuff, BOL. Cool red bone and a whole 5 minutes..
    Benny & Lily

  4. Hey JAck, how long did it take to chew up the flying fish?? And you HAVENT pull those wires off the house yet?? what are you waiting on?? BOL


  5. What a nice card & pressies! HMMM maybe those wires were put there as a design? Well, it's a terrible design I must say.

  6. Jack you are a very lucky Lab (loved the card) to have such nice friends as Lynn and Erin. The green on the fish matches my eyes MOL

    If you want that other red bone, I suggest you start pulling the cable wire out of the house. That will drive TG crazy and the bone is yours!....Just sayin'

  7. Our cables are buried which is also stoopid cuz we are diggers.

    I am so envying da fishy!

    PS: I has nevers played with words

  8. I love that card! Lab results, so clever.

  9. Great card, ha ha! Nice presents!

  10. Jack,

    You is SO lucky, great pressies!

    Woof and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  11. What a great card Jack! You deserve it too!

  12. Cute labracard!! We're usin' your Amazon gifty certificate to send some blankets to Joplin!! You did good twice, Jack!!

  13. Thanks for that helpful home improvement tip.


  14. So like first you're gonna be a country music star and then you get presents??? I think I'm gonna try out then for the next American Idrool contest so mebbee folks will send me cool stuff too.

    Either that or we can do a Home Improvement show like Tim the tool man. I can do a mean "Arrr, arrrr, arrrrrrrrr"

    Have a nice Memorial Day weekend, Jack - and don't do anythin' I wouldn't do!

    Woofs and presentable slobbers,
    Chester ;0=)

  15. What a great surprise in the post Jack, love the toys but the treats look extra special - lucky boy! Have a great weekend, Dex & Lou x

  16. Woof! Woof! LOVE the card. Did you say 5 minutes ... oh! is that another time record for you? Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  17. Boy, we are SO embarrassed. You got a clever, breed-appropriate card and toys from a nice little girl who probably gave your newest book a rave review. Mama has an ex-daughter-in-law who is a nice person but who never got around to showing your new book to the grandpups, and we don't even have your address to send a groveling apology gift. Well, mama liked your book and she's got a 6 in one of her age digits. Does that count?

    The prior owners may have had no choice about the outside wire. When we got FIOS, Verizon did that and never even asked for permission or disclosed their intent in advance. Mama was presented with a fait accompli. She really hates those.

    Jed & Abby
