I know you might find this hard to believe...

I know it's hard to believe that such a cute puppy as myself could sometimes forget to be 'practically perfect in every way', but, yes, it does sometimes happen.
I was reading about Remington and his very tiny slight lapse of goodness when the tall guy reminded me that I had done practically the same thing today at the park.
It seems that he had taken me off my string so I could chase the ball when I saw a youngster riding a bicycle, so I decided I needed to go say hello to him. Then I saw a guy sitting on a bench eating breakfast so I decided I REALLY needed to go say hello to him. The breakfast guy saw the tall guy running up to get me so he talked to me for the TWO seconds it took the tall guy to get there.
I was then placed in handcuffs and thrown into the paddy wagon and taken to the hoosegow!
(Me in jail - I had this picture smuggled out so you could see my plight!
It cost me 10 cookies AND I think I have to get a tattoo!)
Well, actually, the tall guy just put the string back on me and took me to the car. He said something about being "MOR-DI-FIED". I don't know what "MOR-DI-FIED" means (cause I can't find it in the dictionary - I may not be spelling it correctly), but needless to say, "MOR-DI-FIED" is not a good thing.
So, dear kind Remington, take solace in knowing that you are not alone.
And I have no idea how the Frisbee got broken. It was that way when I found it!
I was reading about Remington and his very tiny slight lapse of goodness when the tall guy reminded me that I had done practically the same thing today at the park.
It seems that he had taken me off my string so I could chase the ball when I saw a youngster riding a bicycle, so I decided I needed to go say hello to him. Then I saw a guy sitting on a bench eating breakfast so I decided I REALLY needed to go say hello to him. The breakfast guy saw the tall guy running up to get me so he talked to me for the TWO seconds it took the tall guy to get there.
I was then placed in handcuffs and thrown into the paddy wagon and taken to the hoosegow!

It cost me 10 cookies AND I think I have to get a tattoo!)
Well, actually, the tall guy just put the string back on me and took me to the car. He said something about being "MOR-DI-FIED". I don't know what "MOR-DI-FIED" means (cause I can't find it in the dictionary - I may not be spelling it correctly), but needless to say, "MOR-DI-FIED" is not a good thing.
So, dear kind Remington, take solace in knowing that you are not alone.
And I have no idea how the Frisbee got broken. It was that way when I found it!
We should start our khlub fur khanines abdukhted by aliens that make it appear that we've run off....or something like that!
my mommish would totally make me join that club
ReplyDeletecause she ish still on ankle monitoring device after "THE ESCAPE"
ReplyDeleteFinding the frisbe the way it was, that would be my story too and I would stick with it.
Hey just xplain to the TG that you are just trying to be friendly and do some PR work, he should know all about that!!! lol
I think you were set up. I have acted on behalf of some other dogs in so-called criminal acts as their pawblic defender, so if you need my assistance just call my secretary. I work pro-bone-o.
ReplyDeleteChester ;0=)
ReplyDeleteMadi's Mom here:I have been there and done that with a puppy so I totally understand TG's position...sorry dear boy you, Jack, were wrong. I once had to chase our dachshund, who by the way was a mini with mini parts and he was miles ahead of me, through a downtown park. He saw a squirrel that he thought needed some exercise. It was a bad because on the other side of the part was a very busy street. I was younger back then so I caught him and he lived to get into more mischief but ahhhh the stories we have in our memories.
Madi and Mom
Woof! Woof! Mmm Is that a really a frisbee? ... Don't worry Jack. Today will be a good day. MOR(T)DIFIED is definitely not a good word to say. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
ReplyDeleteLet's shift the blame to the guy eating breakfast on the bench. With that fantastic smelling device on the end of your face, could TG actually be so clueless as to think you wouldn't go ask for just a bite? Albeit, a BIG bite. So, the way Tootie and I see it, you were just being yourself, it was the Bench Guy who was asking for trouble....at a dog park, no less. What was he thinking?!
ReplyDeleteLiz and Tootie
Hi Jack,
ReplyDeleteI have heard the word MOR-DI-FIED many, many times and I can tell you for sure it is NEVER good.
Licks and slobbers,
Jack, tell your dadda that you just have child-like exuberance and that sometimes you FURget your good manners but kids do that sometimes!
ReplyDeleteOooh you got the "M" word!!! tsa, tsa that is not good my furiend!!! But hey, we're not perfect, that's what our humans just don't understand!!! What's wrong with a little friendliness?!?! Glad you got outta jail!!!
ReplyDeletelotsa licks,
We are Sibes. We are never allowed off our strings in public. Something about "mordified" being a normal human state when we are off string.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I'm sure you don't know how the frisbee got messed up. I believe you. As for you pretending to be in jail, shame on you. I was getting ready to bring you smokes. Now, I know they're unhealthy for you, I was just doing it for the high trade value. Now all you get is xxx.
don't listen to the herd! my sibe is off leash sometimes in public. ok, not in "dangerous" public, where there are cars, but safe public where there are all sorts of distraction. and she does just.... um.... well....just.... finemostofthetime. (there, said it fast so it's mostly true.)
ReplyDeleteDon't worry Jack. It's your job to mor-di-fy your dad cuz how else will he learn? duh! good job on mor-di-fying him. try to do it on a regular basis to keep him on his toes!
wild dingo
ps. i think i saw many frisbees being sold at the store that look JUST like that. they were defects or something. i think that's your story and you should stick to it...
Are you sure he didn't say MOR-TO-FRY? Did you stop at a grocery store on the way home? Well, I hope you got a big pile of fried something with your kibble last night. After being teased by the guy eating breakfast on the bench, you certainly deserved it.
ReplyDeleteIt could have been worse...TG could have been "terrified, mortified, petrified, and stupefied"...(from A Beautiful Mind).
ReplyDeleteHey Jack! Glad to hear someone finally knows how I feel! Man, you try to do something fun and WHAM -- the word NO comes into play! What are we to do?
ReplyDeleteReply to your question:
ReplyDeleteJack that would be a Polar penquin.... HA
You and TG are Hilarious!!! You make us smile every day and sometimes twice a day.
Madi and Mom
Jack Madi here....I told mom there was no 'q' in penguin but she just would not listen...she says she is hooked on phonics.
Jack--you sure that was a frisbee?? I have never seen a frisbee turn into that when chewed!?!WOW
Jack!! No tatoos, ok bud!!??
ReplyDeleteHugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Strings should be outlawed - other than it LETS US keep track of the peeps. can't trust peeps - they are always destroying our toy and sleepin' in our beds.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure that guy on the bench was waving food around to get your attention, and when you INNOCENTLY and politely went up to him, you got hauled away like a common criminal?!? I think the bench guy set you up.