Evidently we are going on a vacation.
(Which is not the same thing as a vaccination.
I learned that when I was a puppy!)
I do not have no idea where we are going,
but the tall guy said he was hot
and needed some coolness.
So I guess we are going
to where the coolness is.
Maybe we will drive by your house.
Come outside and wag your tail
if you see us driving by.
If I see you, I will tell the tall guy
to stop so that we can say hello.
I made sure that the tall guy packed
a lot of cookies, so I will have
plenty to share.
Hopefully we will have a lot of pictures
to share when we get back.
The tall guy said we will be gone for almost a whole week.
I think that's like 42000 times to eat,
but I'm not sure.
Please don't forget us while we're gone!!