What Do I Do All Day?
AS IF!!!
Well, I wish I could say I get to play all day, but here's how my typical day goes:
1) Wake up - try not to wake up Mr. Grumpy Pants because he doesn't like waking up as early as I do.
2) Fail miserably in my attempt not to wake up Mr. Grumpy Pants. I hope your peoples are much friendlier when they first wake up.
3) Crawl over to where he was sleeping while he goes into the showers. I don't know why he likes to smell like soaps but he does.
4) Wait until he goes and sits down at the computer, then go and remind him that we have not had a walk yet.
5) Go for our first walk. I find it's best if you walk pretty fast on the way out, but take your time on the way back. That way your walk will last longer, because the tall guy doesn't like for people to see him dragging me down the road on the way back home.
6) Come back and eat some breakfasts. The tall guy likes to eat Cheery Os. I ask him what does a cereal have to be so happy about. If I have been exceedingly good on our first walk, he will give me one O.
7) Jump in the car. Make sure you only jump in the side, because if you start jumping in the back, the tall guy will think you are willing to jump in the car any time he wants.
8) Drive to the park (not the dog park - just the local one) and talk to the other dogs (if we're lucky) or chase the baseball (if we're lucky), eat some beans (if I'm lucky) or just walk around and see what smells we can find.
8) Come home and take my first nap while the tall guy plays on the Internets.
9) Wake up around 12 o'clocks when the tall guy decides he's hungry and needs to fix something to eat.
10) Put my head on his leg to see if he will give me some of what he is eating.
11) After he has eaten all his stuff (for the 2nd time in the day, mind you!!), take my second nap.
Speaking of which, it is past time for my second nap. I'll write some more about this tomorrow! :)