Tuesday, March 31, 2009
March 31, 2009

Monday, March 30, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
March 29, 2009

I got an 'A' in spot.
I graduated from puppy school on Saturday. The tall guy said I did really good (note from tall guy: except for the 3 minute down and stay - we'll have to keep working on that one!). I now know how to do a bunch of stuff, except when I forget. The tall guy said next we're going to rattlesnake school, so I hope that I do good there too, although I don't know how they are going to get those rattlesnakes to sit!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
March 28, 2009
The ball is always oranger
on the other side of the fence!
on the other side of the fence!

Friday, March 27, 2009
March 27, 2009

Thursday, March 26, 2009
March 26, 2009
I did not know I could do this!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
March 25, 2009
I just washed my hair...

Sometimes, the strangest things happen to me. I was just minding my own business at the dog park and this huge fuzzy comes and sits down on my head! I think I look like Tina Turner in Thunderdome. But he was very nice and got up when I asked him to!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
March 24, 2009

You can get all wet and then jump in and out and get the tall guy all wet too! Then you get to play with the towels while the tall guy is trying to dry you off! Then you get to run in the house and rub your wet head all over the carpet. Then you get to lay in the sun until you get dry. Then you get to start again...
Monday, March 23, 2009
March 23, 2009
My new toy!
Hey, you should see what the tall guy got me (and it's not even my birthday). It's a fabulous swimming pool! I didn't even know you could BUY a swimming pool, but the tall guy said if I was good while he was gone, he would buy me one and DARN IF HE DIDN'T!
But wait, I can hear you say, I see something in the near the tree in your video that looks awfully like your new pool. Silly peoples, that is my sandbox (so I can dig and dig and not dig up the new yard that is coming soon - the tall guy said it was going to be something called GRASS). So even though it may look like my new pool, it is really my old sandbox. I've had that for almost a week now!
So, here is me trying out my new pool. I found out that if I stick my nose under the water, I can make bubbles and it makes the tall guy laugh. He said he can make bubbles in the water too, but I don't think my pool is big enough for him!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
March 22, 2009
Peoples are Great!

Saturday, March 21, 2009
March 21, 2009

Speaking of March Madness, the tall guy FINALLY got back today. He said he went somewhere called the 'Grand Canyon'. I told him I didn't think it couldn't be too grand if they didn't allow puppies to go. He said it was just a big hole in the ground and I had to remind him how much I LOVE holes in the ground. He said that puppies had to stay in puppy jail while all the peoples got to look at the hole. I'm just happy that he's back home. I think I'll show him how happy I am about 3AM tonight when I jump on his head while he's sleeping.
Friday, March 20, 2009
March 20, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
March 19, 2009
I'll keep a lookout for the puppy park!

I do all of this by barking furiously and running around in the back of the car. I can tell the tall guy really appreciates it when I do that cause he gets excited too and starts yelling my name! I guess my last name is 'STOP!!!'.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
March 18, 2009
Don't Get Me Started!

I was looking out the door today and what did I see? Some thing* had decided to come into MY yard and just make itself at home. Well, I wasn't going to sit by and do nothing. I gave a big old gruff bark and the tall guy came running over to see what was going on! He said I had never barked like that before in my entire life! I guess he was very happy that I was guarding the house. Needless to say, it went away. I guess I'm getting better at being a guard puppy!
* I had the tall guy take a picture of the thing. Here it is! It had better not come back to my house again!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
March 17, 2009
Put me in Coach, I'm ready to play!!

Monday, March 16, 2009
March 16, 2009
Have you ever had a bath at a car wash?

By the way, do you like the hat that the dog in the DOG WASH picture is wearing? The tall guy says I don't need one, as he is very careful about not getting water in my ears, but I think he should buy me one so I can look like the puppy on the Dog Wash sign! Send him a message and tell him what you think!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
March 15, 2009
Happy Walk, happy walk!

I don't know how you peoples do it! You only have two feet. Four feet is much better. And you don't even have a tail. How do you keep your balance?
The tall guy said I did REALLY good at school today. He gave me some apple when I got home, so I must have done something special. I've only got two more classes to go, so I'll miss all the other puppies in my class. But the tall guy said we would be taking another class on rattlesnake avoidance. I don't know what a rattlesnake is and why I should avoid it, but I guess that's why I have to go to school. If you have any rattlesnakes at your house, don't send them to me!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
March 14, 2009
I finally find a good place to get a nap and you come in here flashing a light in my eyes. Yes, I know I'm in your bedroom, but really, isn't it MY bedroom too? And yes, I see your books right there next to me. And no, I'm not going to eat any of them. I USED to do that, but I don't do it anymore. Well, maybe I might TASTE of one ever now and again, just to see if the quality of ink they are using is good quality. Besides, maybe I'm trying to get ready for the LSATs.
Friday, March 13, 2009
March 13, 2009
As you can probably tell...

So, if the weather is nice where you are today, head out to your local park. And make sure you take your puppy with you!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
March 12, 2009
Past, Present, and Future!

These guys were really nice. They didn't even mind that I got a bit bouncy because I was so excited.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
March 11, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
March 10, 2009
WWE - eat your heart out!
Amazingly, no puppies were hurt during the making of this video.
And, I kicked butt! :)
Monday, March 9, 2009
March 9, 2009
What does a guy have to do to get a pillow around here?

The tall guy said I did really good at school on Saturday. We are learning how to wait on our spot when we are left alone. I'm pretty good at it, but not all the time. We're also learning how to heel. Just wait until I find someone who is sick!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
March 8, 2009
Dog for a Day!

By the way, I know I may look older, but I am really only six months old (well 6 months and 12 days).
Saturday, March 7, 2009
March 7, 2009
My Favorite Toy!

I love to go into the bedroom and find all these great toys. I think this one is called 'For the love of God, would you please stop eating my underwears'. The tall guy keeps hiding them and I keep finding them. For some reason, he gets really fussy whenever I find them, but I think that's just because he hasn't learned how to hide them very well! He has another toy that I like to play with called 'Do not eat my sox'. He doesn't hide those very well either. OR, maybe I'm just a really good finder!
Friday, March 6, 2009
March 6, 2009

* ¡Bablefish no parece trabajar muy bien! :)
Thursday, March 5, 2009
March 5, 2009
One of my most favorite things to do!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
March 4, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
March 3, 2009
What does a guy have to do...
to get a drink of water around here? We went out to the park this afternoon and I don't know what happened but all of a sudden, I got hot! The tall guy said it was 90 degrees so that was why it was so hot. I told him that was too many degrees and he needed to give some of them back, and he agreed. So we went and sat in the shade and watched some peoples play with a ball. They aren't nearly as good as I am - they couldn't even run back with the ball, they had to keep throwing it to each other. I offered to help them, but the tall guy said they didn't need any help. Well, it sure looked to me like they could use some!

Monday, March 2, 2009
March 2, 2009
Sticks Is Good!

*Update: Well, I'm just gobsmacked - it appears that wood DOES contain calories. But I still don't think it will make you fat!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
March 1, 2009
What a Great Day!

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