A Sad Halloweeny Poem
by Jack
by Jack

I did not get no tricks or treats.
I am a real sad pup.
I did not get no candy corn.
Or peanut butter cups.
I did not get no Hershey bars,
or M&Ms or Crunch.
I did not get no gummy bears,
Or nothing else to munch.
No Tootsie Rolls, no Milky Way,
Not even bubble gum,
No Skittles, Sweet Tarts, Snickers bars,
I only wanted one!
So if tonight you chance to see,
A puppy at your door,
Make sure you give him something sweet,
Or something off your floor.
I guess I've learned my lesson,
And I have learned it well,
Next year, on Halloweeny night,
The tall guy can go to...
COSTCO and buy some candy just for me!
PS - If your peoples are really really old, they can go here:
and find candy like they ate when they were growing up. It's not the SAME candy. Cause then it would be like 200 years old!