My Digging Song
by Jack
by Jack

Jack: Digging me a hole,
Greek Chorus*: Digging me a hole,
Jack: Eating all the dirt,
Greek Chorus: Eating all the dirt,
Jack: Gonna make a mess,
Greek Chorus: Gonna make a mess,
Jack: Think I gotta pee,
Greek Chorus: Think I gotta pee,
Jack: Nope, I don't!
Greek Chorus: Nope, I don't!
Jack: Lay down in the hole,
Greek Chorus: Lay down in the hole.
(Repeat until you see another puppy!)
*Ελληνικές χορωδίες
What It Looks Like From the Other End...

And now a note from the tall guy:
For some reason, Blogger isn't allowing me to respond to comments.
So if you leave a comment, please know that I'm reading and appreciate them.
Thank you!
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