Now let's see you go without me!

Maybe I should just buy one of those tracking collars and put on him!
(And just so you won't worry - I don't really get to sleep in front of the garage door. I just like to go out there when the tall guy is getting the mail or working in the front yard. He said there is no way he would ever leave me out there by myself, because I might get interested in a smell 16 miles away and try to go see what it is!)
On another note (E flat perhaps?), I would like to know how many words do you like to read in a book. If you will let me know how many words you like to read, I'll make sure that he doesn't put in too many! And if you have a favorite word, let him know that too. Unless it's a dirty word - we can't put any dirty words in the book. Except 'poop'. We're using 'poop' a lot!