Sunday, September 29, 2013

September 30, 2013

Oh my my!!!

Look where we went!

Isn't this some of the most beautifulest water
you have EVER seen?

It is so pretty I just couldn't stand it!

Of course, you may notice that I did NOT
get to go into the water,
but it was still fun!

We even saw a really cool boat.
The tall guy said that it was a replica of
one of Columbus' boats.

I think he said it was the Pinto Bean.

I hope we get to go back there
really soon!!


  1. Dear Jack,

    You and the tall guy have certainly seen tons of beautiful places since you left Arizona. I'm so happy that you've ended up in such a magnificent part of the country.

    Sounds like there will be many more great adventures in your future!

    Once you get all settled into your new home, I think it would be fun if you had a contest to see who can guess where you are - your very own version of "Where is Waldo?" LOL

    Thanks for the gorgeous and interesting posts. I think I can speak for all of your fans when I say that we really are enjoying them a lot.

    Can't wait to see what's next......

    Have fun!

    Your friend,

  2. Jack - Maybe you'll get to go on the Pinto Bean and meet that Columbus ! Does that mean you're in Ohio ?

  3. WHAT A BEAUTIFUL day you had to be out and about too. and I think I spy a small mountain range in the distance. Mom loves looking a mountains.
    Pinto bean...Jack you are a 'fungi' and we ladies like fungis who make us laugh
    hugs madi and mom you bfff

  4. So you did not sail on the Pinto Bean? We think you should have been allowed to sail it since you did NOT get into the water!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  5. Now that is beautiful. Is the tall guy building a houseboat?
    Benny & Lily

  6. Golly, I cant wit until we find out where you went. It's so pretty! I love that ship, I've always wanted to be a pirate dog...aarrggghhh.

  7. Oh Jack,
    you must feel like you died and went to heaven!! Go ahead, jump in the water!!

    Jazzi and Addi
