Thank You!

I do not have a sore throat - I don't even have any problems with my ears (the doctor said that is not uncommon when you get the 'ergies'. But I still have to get drops put in them, just so I won't have any problems with my ears. Well, I don't mean to sound contrary, but I think the problem I would have with my ears is that someone is putting drops in them. Doesn't that make sense to you?
The tall guy said to tell you that if your puppy is licking his paws, he might have the 'allergies' too. If he's licking his butt, well, that's another story all together! :)
It makes perfekht sense to me -
ReplyDeleteBut then again...
Woof! Woof! Just read you previous post. Mmmm I know exactly how you feel. I am very familiar with the word "ergies" I know its NO FUN ... there are lots of things I am prohibited. Well that's life as a dog ... Sending you my Golden Thoughts. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
ReplyDeleteHi, Jack!
ReplyDeleteBe a good boy and let TG to apply the drops in your ears. He knows what he is doing!
I get a butticure every month! Hmmm....
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Jack, I think I'm part Lab! I have allergies and had to put drops in my ears too! Hope it goes away soon.
ReplyDeleteI am at a moment of peace cos its still winter here... but a few months down the track and I'll be itchin' titchin' like always!
ReplyDeleteThank heavens for Zymox.
ReplyDeleteDude, I missed da last post so I went back to read it.
ReplyDeleteI feels your pain...believe me. I am the lemon dog here. Meaning, everything happens to ME and I haves them allergies to...feet itch and I even break out in hives. BUT, all three of us do da feet thing.
I'm glad you gots some drugs to makes you feel always does da trick fur me.
Dear Sweet Jack you are very welcomed!!! It was our pleasure to offer you our deepest concern for the horrible itches!!!
ReplyDeleteOh do I remember putting drops in puppy ears. Toto the mighty Doxie had floppy ears. They made it hard to get the drops in his ears. Afterwards, he would shake his head after I finally got them in. We both had drops on us then. He had a bad sore throat once too...but that is another story for another day.
Happy Wednesday,
Madi and Mom
ReplyDeleteI wuz in the Addy-Ron-Dacks yesterday and didn't reads 'bouts your itches until today. It sure doesn't sound likes fun...feel better soon my furiend.
Hope your allergies are a bit less itchy today:)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the info....I let you know when I do either....hope you have an itchless day, my friend!
ReplyDeleteTootie doesn't seem to have any allergies...unless being unable to stay still in any one position for longer than 2 seconds is an allergy!
Ear drops in healthy ears does sound a little bit odd....but you know the old saying, 'an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!'
ReplyDeleteMakes sense to me too but if you gotta have the drops guess you gotta deal with it!!! It should help ya there Dude!!
Thunder gets the itchies every summer and starts with his feet and then it moves to his face. Mom wishes she knew what the cause was. He is better now. He was zoned out for days here with benadryl. Hope you are doing better now too, Jack.
ReplyDeleteWoos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
You're a good boy, Jack, to let TG put those drops in your ears. I don't think Cabana would be partial to that remedy.
ReplyDeleteWhat if it's licking others' butts?
Jack, ask you daddy why we like to lick our Mommy. We drive her crazy licking her. We luurrrve to lick her neck and the inside of her elbow. She says it's because she tastes salty. Is that not crazy? Our niece Avery we luurrrve to lick her too. She says we think she tastes like a cheeseburger.....What does she know she's only 6.
ReplyDeleteCiCi n GinGin