Do we HAVE to look at those
vacation pictures again?
Yes, now be quiet and act like you're interested!
We saw lots of stuff when we were at the campings.
Here is what the cactuses look like in the mountains.
Someone said it didn't look like Arizona.
Well, it really is.
I asked the tall guy where we were and he said
we were in a town called Greer in the White Mountains.
There is even a ski place there.
I think Khyra and all the other huskies
would like that when it snows!
Evidently I have a tendency to get
a bit excited around the water,
and my listening skills aren't
as good as they should be.
Which led to this:
You may have noticed that in the first video,
I was 'sans string'
which means I could run all over.
You may also have noticed in the second video
I was no longer the free-spirit, speed demon
that I was in the first video.
Something about how I ran away
into the woods the first day
and didn't come back when the tall guy called for me,
and he got all scared that I was going to get lost,
and I knew where he was all the time,
and, blah blah blah,
I don't want to go into it.
I did help gather the firewood.
Even though the cabin had a gas fireplace,
it never hurts to be prepared!
We saw so many different things.
Here is a gate.
And here is another gate.
Can you see the bear and the elk?
I don't even know what is a bear and a elk,
but there they are.
That second gate was for the house
that costed two millions of dollars.
It is for sale.
When we found out that it
costed two millions of dollars, well...
It is still for sale.
This is not the house with the gate.
This house was near our cabin.
I asked the tall guy why we didn't stay at this house.
I did not know what was the 'stink eye',
but I do now!

I still got to go back and play in the water:
It was really really fun!
I hope you have enjoyed seeing my vacation.
You will have to come with us next time.
Just remember to bring something to read
because it gets really dark at night
and the tall guy won't let you watch anything
but the HGTV on the teevees.