Are you not listening to my mind?*
*(Overheard at the park today from a 4 year old to his dad!
And they say puppies talk funny!)
Things I did on my birthday...
First the tall guy and I went to the park and
saw lots and lots of peoples with their puppies.
It was like the puppy dam had burst!
People had to wade through all the poodles :)

Then we went to the beagle store and I got my Birthday Breakfast Beagle.
(Oh, the tall guy says it's BAGEL, not BEAGLE.)

Then (FINALLY), I got to open my birthday presents!
Well, I wouldn't actually say OPEN as the tall guy did not wrap them.
I got some of my old favorites:
I got some NEW BOTTLES.
I loved my old bottles. They made lots of noise.
Needless to say, I haven't seen them in a long time!

Then I got a FUNK-A-DELIC chewy thingy.

Next I got some goodness wrapped up in a beautiful package.
(At least SOMEONE loves me enough to wrap my presents.
Note to tall guy: Please note how presents SHOULD be done!)
MMMMMMM... paper!

Then, we went to something called a Farmer's Market,
but I didn't see any farmers for sale.
Just a bunch of vegetables and homemade stuff
like you might find on a...
OH, now I get it.
There was a really neat fountain,
but the tall guy wouldn't let me get in.

I don't know what this is,
but the tall guy seemed to think it was neat.
I think those are rabbits.

So, after we walked around the Farmer's Market,
(no farmers for sale),
we got in the car and came back home.

And then I took a long nap.
All in all, a pretty great day!
Please let me know when is YOUR birthday!
A couple of notes from the tall guy:
Thank you again to everyone for helping me celebrate Jack's birthday.
If anyone knows of a toy that puppies can NOT CHEW THROUGH
in less than 10 minutes, please let me know.
Funk-a-delic chewy thing:
Less than 5 minutes
Tennis balls on a rope:
Rope - 2 minutes
Tennis ball - about 5 minutes
(anything with a hole in it is doomed from the start!)
The brown bottle -
That lasted a little longer because we were playing keep-away, but once he got the squeeky part out,
it was all over.
The only thing I've found Jack CAN'T chew through are the solid non-edible NYLABONES.
Any other NYLA is pretty much cannon fodder.
He got an early birthday present - a NYLA-FISH....
NYLA-FISH - 3 minutes.
Miniature tires that look like real tires and are supposedly made out of tires:
Maybe 6 minutes.
Fortunately, he has stopped EATING the pieces when he tears them apart, but tear them apart he does!
So, any non-chewable recommendations will be appreciated. Thank you!