I don't think that is
biologically possible!

You know how sometimes you go to the grocery store and someone just keeps following you around and jumping up on your back and putting stuff in your cart and just won't leave you alone? Well, something similar happened to me at the puppy park yesterday.
There are two big dogs (let's just call them '
NOODLES' and not those little miniature
NOODLES, I'm talking the regular-sized ones) who will not leave me alone when I go to the puppy park if they are there. They are all the time climbing on me and jumping on me, even when I'm trying to play with another puppy or get a drink of water. And I don't mean just for a minute or two. I'm talking CONSTANTLY. It's like I'm covered in some sort of
NOODLE-attracting scent that just drives them crazy.
The first time it happened, the tall guy just watched for about 5 minutes to see what I would do and then looked to see if the owner of the
NOODLES was going to do anything. I mean I couldn't even chase the frisbee without one of them coming and climbing up on me. After the tall guy realized the other guy wasn't going to do anything, we left the park.
The second time it happened, we just got to the park and they started again. The other guy still didn't do anything, so after about 5 minutes, we left again. I didn't even get to try to play with any of the other puppies.
WELL (and I think you can see where this is going), we went back yesterday and BOOM - I'm a NOODLE magnet. So after a few minutes, the tall guy asked the other guy if he would do something about his dogs pestering me. You would have thought he asked the other guy to kick his dog in the head! The other guy started yelling and cussing (he said the tall guy's mother was a female dog) and said that he wasn't going to do anything because they were just dogs and that's what dogs do. The other guy asked the tall guy what did he want him to do. The tall guy said the other guy could control his dogs or leave. OH MY! The other guy said he wasn't going to do anything and that the TALL GUY could leave. TG explained that he had already left twice and that if he wouldn't hold his dogs that the tall guy would. Finally, the tall guy told the man that he did not need to yell and cuss at him. So the other guy pouted around for a few more minutes and then left. But you could tell he was not a happy camper!
Now, the tall guy understands that some dogs like to play 'King of the Mounting' with other dogs and that is something that I just need to take care of myself (usually, I just sit down until they decide to stop) and then we can play again. But this is a little different in that the
NOODLES never stop, even if I go to the other end of the park. Someone said that I would learn to turn around and get mad at the dogs when they do that, but the tall guy is glad that I'm not the kind of puppy who will do that.
So, what have we learned from this? 1) Sometimes it doesn't do any good to ask someone to be responsible (but sometimes it does). 2) Some peoples don't think their dogs are the problem. 3) If someone does start yelling at you, don't yell back. It just makes them look silly, AND 4) It does no good to argue with a drunk, because the drunk doesn't care and it just makes you madder (we didn't learn this at the park - but the tall guy told me to put it in anyway!)
From the tall guy: I told Jack he was writing too much, but he's still a little perturbed about the whole situation. It's no exaggeration - the other dogs simply will not stop humping him. It's not sexual - it's obviously a domination thing, but it is so bad that Jack can only try to run away from them when we're at the park. So I will ask you: What would you have done in that situation?)