Merry Day-After-Christmases everybody! Did you know I was getting 'A NEW CAR!!!"? I felt like I was on
The Price is Right (the good version with Bob Barker! -- ooh, BARK-er, now I see why all the puppies like this show!)
So anyway, after the tall guy finally got up like at 5 oh clocks AM, I proceeded to tear open all the packages under the Christmas tree. The tall guy said it would have been nice if I hadn't proceeded to tear open the packages that were HIS, but how was I supposed to know.
In one of the packages was a brand new yellow car! It was kinda small and I don't think it would hold very many people, but I imagine it gets fantastic gas mileage. The tall guy said it didn't need gas - it was a remote controlled car that ran on batteries. (I am SO
green!) We took it out to the park and I got to watch it run. The tall guy thought I would chase it, but it didn't move very fast, so I didn't see much use in chasing something that runs slower than I can walk. Mainly, I just watched the tall guy
TRY to make it go where he wanted it to go.
Note to everyone: If you value your shins, do not let the tall guy try to drive the new car any where near you. Hopefully, he will get better with practice!
Here I am tasting the new car - (gotta love that new car taste!):

Back at home, I finally got to find out what that strange creature in my stocking was. It was a WUBBA that looked like a bear. Although this bear did not have no bottom - it sorta looked like an octopus. I guess it was an OctoBear or a Bear-o-Pus (not to be confused with
OctoMom). So, it wasn't something that snuck into my house last night. Here I am tasting my new WUBBA - (gotta love that new Wubba taste!). This one even squeaks - so I squeaked it about 292 times before the tall guy said it was time to open another present.

Which reminds me - Have you seen my new squeaky Wubba? I seem to have misplaced it!)
Here is me, being happy for all the Christmases stuff!

I also got a bunch of different kinds of balls - big balls, little balls, soccer balls, even a
ball that had a ball inside of it. This soccer ball one even lasted like 3 minutes! I think it just needs to be pumped up a little.

Finally, I decided what the tall guy needed for Christmas - a new wallet. So I helped him make up his mind that he needed a new one:

There were a bunch of plastic cards and stuff inside his wallet, but I took most of those out and put them on the ground before I started to work on the reminder.
So, all it all, it was a really good Christmases. I even got to have some roast that was cooked in a crack-pot! It was delicious!!
The tall guy has a bunch more pictures (of course) and even some videos, so I'll tell him to put some of those up for tomorrow!
Here's hoping your Christmases was fantastic! See you tomorrow!!