Watching My Soaps!

We were watching Unleashed: A Dog-umentary the other day and about halfway thru, the tall guy turned it off. It is mostly about some puppies in California who have a puppy parade each year. They get to wear costumes and everything. That part was really good. But then, there are a lot of really sad parts in it, so we had to stop watching it. I don't like it when the tall guy gets sad. I can fix that! I've learned that he REALLY doesn't like it when I lick his ear, so I did it and he forgets that he is sad. He also forgets that he tastes good, so I have to lick him to remind him!
So next time you're sitting home alone when your peoples have gone to the store, turn on the TVs. It's the big button that says "NO" on the remote. They will be really surprised when they get home! (Just make sure you're not on Channel 599!)

Top of the morning Jack!! You and TG were chillin' yesterday. Good for you. We like Animal Planet alot especially the Big Cat programs. That is where I learn my cat-atude. Believe it or not I like football and if I could just catch that keeps disappearing. TTFN Madi and Mom
ReplyDeleteHey TG & Jack, I got a new game for you. Try to catch the speeding lizard. Lucy does real good till the first turn, then she blows the light and keeps on going. Pretty funny though.
ReplyDeleteHey Jack! I thought of you when we were at the lake last night. I saw a yellow lab puppy swimming out to Mommy and Daddy before that went under the icky WATER! Have you ever seen a scuber diver at your lake??
Your dad a remote hog to, so ours. we likes watching animal programs on tv, Ailsa watches mor thans me. Dads gets worried sometimes as she tries togets a closer look, our mums eyes leak if she sees sad animal stuff on there so I smoch her to make her happy to.
ReplyDeleteJack and TG!!! Thank you for the explanation of the wonderful Friday Trully amazing. I might certainly take you up on some help once I feel more comfortable...BTW
ReplyDeleteMadi and I sent you an award...Your blog is a dream...I don't know how you two feel about awards but wanted you to know we like your blog...Madi and Mom (Cecilia)
That licking on the ear thing really works! That's how I got my Dad to come and live with my Mum.